Endometrial PRP/Scratching
Endometrial PRP/Scratching
Endometrial Scratching
Endometrial scratching is a technique used to improve the ability of the embryo to implant & stick in the uterus after IVF (In Vitro ferlization) . It consist of making line and wounding the lining of the womb to increase the receptivity of the uretus to the embryo . Whom should concider Endometrial scratching :
This procedure is advised for patients with multiple IVF failures.
How long does it take ?
Endometrial scratching is minimally invasive and simple,It takes around 12-20 min.
The patient has the choice to do it under sedation too with extra cost .
After the procedure the patient has to rest for 10-15 minutes before leaving the hospital.
Endometrial PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma )
Patients who suffer from Thin endometrium (under 7mm ) , and has multiple cancelation of IVF cycle specially FET cycle because thin endometrium can try the PRP injections to the endometrium . Generally it is adviced to be done the 9th or 10th day of the cycle . It consist of taking a blood sample and centrifuge it to separate the plasma lequide from red cells of blood .
The plasma that rich with platelet will be injected directly to the endometrium . The procedure takes 15-20 minutes .
For an online consultation and price quote please contact us.